#DefendDurm II, 2018 Primaries Edition (Episode 60)

It’s election season here in Durham, so we have a special edition of the pod! Join us this week as T. Greg talks about his first-ever vote in a Democrat primary, along with a quick recap of criminal justice f*ckery around the country from killer cops in California to a ruthless judge attacking an elderly woman in Florida to New Jersey once again letting police brutality slide. Then we talk with Durham County’s elected District Attorney Roger Echols about why he became a prosecutor, how he handled the Confederate Cases, and the political blowback he’s endured since!

#Law140 will return next week! Remember to check out our Patreon page for exclusive patron-only content!

Join the conversation by following @fsckemall on Twitter, and tweet us your comments and questions using the hashtag #fsck!

*THANK YOU* to this week’s Show Note Sponsors (Trey Benfield, Melanie Greenan, Judi Kane, and Colleen Mahaney) and our #Law140 Lovers (Damien Boyd, Matthew Boyer, Tyler Kiley, Byron Mobley, Andrew Murphy, Erica Phillips, Helen Poston, David Ross, Joe Sevits, and Michael VanOrder)!

Show Notes:

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